Dearest Ministry Partner

Shalom, peace be with you. We have returned after a meaningful sabbatical  for two months in June and July. Sabbatical was a time to deeply fellowship with Jesus, the Lord of the Sabbath, to examine ourselves, and to grow. As we wrap up the sabbatical and prepare for the new season of ministry, we are praying and looking for brothers and sisters who will partner with us prayerfully and financially.  

Due to international exchange rate fluctuations and various situations of ministry partners after Covid 19, our financial support has decreased significantly.  So in this prayer letter, we would like to share our urgent needs with a heart of trust in God’s provision.  We would appreciate if you would pray and partner with us.

Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Matthew 9:37 -38

Harvest Workers

Recently, we’ve repeatedly heard from ministry leaders around the world that there is a shortage of workers to harvest in the mission field. As the words of Matthew 9 say, the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Mostly, they need help in areas where the Gospel is difficult to share due to security and where it is difficult to hold conferences and training due to lack of the right leaders and finances required. Through conferences and trainings many people meet Jesus, see their lives changed, and become equipped to share the Gospel and make disciples. Also, they help people gain a greater vision for the Great Commission. The overseas mission fields and global ministries that lack manpower are asking for our help. Unfortunately, due to our financial needs we are holding off on accepting all ministry requests for next year.

Financial needs

For us to continue serving in full-time missions, our financial goal must be met. We currently have a shortfall of $1,900 monthly. That means we need about 20 people to give at $50/month and 9 people to give at $100 month.  We are praying that our needs will be met to return to the ministry field as soon as possible. Please consider joining us as follows:

Partnership Method 

1. Prayer:  First, please pray with us that God supplies our needs through those whom He has prepared so we can serve next year’s ministries without putting them on hold, then pray about how God wants you to partner with us.

2. Referrals: A huge way way you can help is by connecting us with churches or friends who share a passion for God’s Kingdom. 

3. Financial Support: You can set up or increase your giving as below:

  • Online: 
    • To give electronically via EFT or by credit/debit card
    • Go to
    • Click the “Give a Gift” button to setup/change your giving
  • Checks: 
    • Make Payable to “Cru” 
    • Write you name, phone number, and our staff account number (0548712) on a slip of paper
    • Mail it with your check to Cru at: PO Box 628222 Orlando, FL 32862-8222
  • Phone: 
    • Call 1-888-278-7233 (opt 1, opt 1) between 9am-5pm, Mon-Fri EST
    • Follow their instructions
    • Give them our staff account number (0548712) when prompted
    • After you give, Cru will send you a receipt

Thank you for your partnership with us in prayer, love, and finances. Thank you for being a channel of God’s blessing. We pray that God will multiply the same grace and blessings to you and your family. Please let us know if you have prayer requests. We will pray together. Thank you.
