Preparing the Next Generation of Leaders
Peace be with you. We pray that you and your family are standing strong in the Lord. It’s been an exciting season. During our sabbatical last year we asked God how He wants us to prepare and live as we approach being middle-aged. As we entered this year God gave us the heart to “prepare for the next generation.” While we were praying about what to do specifically, He sent a missionary asking us to lead a training about conference ministry to young missionaries and students interested in conference ministry around the world. A few weeks later, we received another request from our Global Operations Ministry leadership asking for our help in preparing missionaries to serve global conferences by among other things sharing our resources. We felt like we were receiving confirmation of God’s answer to us.
Now we’re praying and reorganizing our resources into a curriculum. Completing this task will take a a significant amount of time as we continue serving across the ministry but we are encouraged thinking about our brothers and sister serving for the fulfillment of the Great Commission around the world who will be able to more effectively prepare their conferences and trainings. Please pray that God will give us wisdom as we finalize these resources and the curriculum. Pray that God, the potter, will shape us like clay to fulfill His purposes.
Revival in the Slums
We served the Briefing for the Jesus Film ministry, one of the most powerful evangelistic tools. About 500 ministry partners attended this briefing to hear reports and needs of the Jesus Film Project around the world. We heard a story from a country where details information can’t be shared for security reasons. In a town there, where people are so poor that they had nothing to eat and the height of the crime rate is matched only by the danger, missionaries visited people’s homes with rice to share the Gospel by showing the Jesus Film. The poor, criminals, children, and widows believed so that over 3,000 people became new believers. Please continue to pray that the love and gospel of Christ will be spread in that country and that people will meet Jesus to see their lives changed.
Please let us know how we can be praying for you. God bless you.
Prayer Requests
2. Health: Damien’s unexplained pain in his left let lasted for about three weeks, so he will see a specialist. Thankfully, the pain is gradually getting better. Please pray that the treatment go well and make a full recovery.
3. Global Connection: We will serve our Global Connection where we’ll share reports and needs from global ministry with ministry partners. Please pray that through this time together more people catch the vision for partnership so more of the ministry needs of around the world are met.
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