As a Mother Comforts

As a Mother Comforts

Peace be with you. We pray you and your family are at peace, finding strength in the Lord. Last month, we returned from serving an event that brought together missionaries from the Middle East. Under the theme of Follow, we acknowledged our identity and calling in Christ,  examined the ministry, shared vision, talked strategy, and prepared for future ministry. Above all, it was a time for brothers and sisters working together towards the same calling in Christ to gather together, receive encouragement, and gain new strength. Many missionaries in this part of the world face relentless challenges of surveillance, discrimination, and even explosion.  We served praying earnestly that God would deeply comfort these missionaries and their families who carry out the work entrusted to them in difficult situations, just as a mother comforts her child.  Please pray for them with the same heart.

As the conference approached its end, we received so much encouragement and thanks from the missionaries who attended. Even when we could only communicate briefly with some of them, they held our hands and expressed gratitude for preparing and serving the conference well.  They handed us chocolates, nuts, and souvenirs from their countries. It touched our hearts to know they thought of us from afar and brought gifts to bless us as we prepared to serve them.  Please pray for the missionaries in the Middle East to be strong, to boldly preach the Gospel, to bear good fruit, and for their safety.

To Europe!

We said goodbye to the missionaries in the Middle East and headed directly to Europe to prepare for this summer’s European Missionaries Conference, their first in many years. We toured the venue where the conference will be held with European leaders who arrived in advance discussing specific preparations, sharing prayer requests, and praying together.  Please pray with us as we get ready for the near 2,000 missionaries and their families who will gather with us. Pray that God provides all our needs and that He prepares the hearts of the attendees as we pray together for revival in Europe.

Thank you for your faithful partnership. We truly appreciate your love. Please let us know how we can be praying for you. God bless.

Prayer Requests 

  1. Global Student Ministry Forum (March, Africa):  The Global Student Ministry Forum will soon take place in Africa with over 300 missionaries leading campus ministries from around the world in attendance. Please pray that through the Forum, the campus missionaries will be well refreshed & filled with the Holy Spirit. Pray revival will occur on campuses around the world. And pray for the team as we make final preparations as well as for those traveling from 100+ countries to arrive safely. 
  2. Health: Since Jung Hye fell in Kenya last year, she’s had pain in her back and leg.  She’s receiving treatment now. Please pray for her complete recovery without any side effects. 
  3. Financial Needs: We are thankful the Lord provides all our needs. Currently, we need $250 monthly. Please pray that we will experience God’s provision through faithful ministry partners whom God has prepared in advance for us.         
