How did we end up in fulltime ministry?
Damien Franklin Brooks’ Calling
The Lord called Damien into His fulltime service during his third year as a student at Penn State. Damien had come to know God at an early age and was very much in love with God in his high school years.
While a student at Penn State Damien was a part of 3 ministries and was being developed by more mature godly men and women around him, and by mentors back in Maryland, as well as by his peers who challenged him in accountability daily.
The summer of his junior year, Damien went on a mission trip to Cape Town, South Africa. Two weeks working with provision ministries in the city and 3 weeks at the campus of Western Cape University sharing the gospel with the students there. Damien knew the Lord was calling him into missionary service to see every student exposed to and hopefully captured by the life changing message of Jesus Christ by partnering with Campus Crusade for Christ.
When Damien got back to the States his discipler Jeff Highfield told him of the need for not only missionaries who serve in the field, but in administrative functions as well.
A year later in 2003 Damien started his internship with the conference team ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ and in 2005 he joined staff fulltime serving at the world headquarters.
From 2003 through 2010 Damien was a part of the National Campus Ministry's Conference Team helping build laborers for God's Kingdom work.
Jung Hye Han Brooks (한정혜, aka Christina's) Calling
Jung Hye received Jesus after hearing the 4 spiritual laws at a Crusade campus ministry meeting in 1996. In 1999, during Korea's largest economic depression, God called her to be a missionary with Korea Campus Crusade for Christ (KCCC).
As her major was public administration Christina served on the KCCC National Operations team for 6 years, from 1999 to 2004. During that time she also worked with the Kyunghee University medical student ministry.
In 2005 by God’s leading she studied english at The King’s College in New York where she also worked with the campus ministry of Fashion Institute Technology (FIT) discipling students. While there living with students who were short term missionaries, she was convinced of God’s vision and calling for her life as a missionary.
After years of giving herself for the purpose of sharing the Gospel, during a vision trip to Orlando, Florida God gave her a specific vision. Although God’s awesome plan was just beginning to reveal itself based on the vision, she focused herself on conference ministry beginning in 2006. Her first conference in a leadership position was CM2007 which was a historical conference: 114 countries, 18,000 young men & college student’s in attendance to sacrifice of themselves for the unreached campuses of the world.
After CM2007, she planned and/or operated with: The KCCC 50th Anniversary series of events in 2008, the US Campus Ministry National Conference Team in 2009, and the KCCC conference team in 2010.
Our Calling In Marriage
God called us to run in the same direction together in 2011. In 2009 our friendship began when Christina joined the conference team Damien had been a part of for six years. Even though we had some obstacles to overcome: different native languages, cultures, and a long distance relationship, God gave us strong convictions of His leading us together. Finally in Feb 2011, we were married by Pastor Nam-Ju Chun in South Korea. Living in Korea for the year, we worked with the KCCC Operations ministry and studied Korean culture and language as part of our preparation for a future of life and ministry together. When we came back to the States, we returned to serving the US Campus Ministry national conference team together for 6 years. Damien led that team for our last 2 years there. In 2018 we started serving in Cru's Global Leadership Office as conference coordinators on the President's staff team.
Our Vision
God is awesome! He called us to be full-time missionaries. He called us to serve in operations. Our heart is to see people’s lives change through the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ as we obey God in faith to serve personally and operationally in the ministries to which God calls us.