Sick, Busy, and Forgiven August

This month we've been to see our own doctors, and our mother's doctor several times each. Allergies, diarrhea, stomach problems, etc... we've been a very medicated family recently.

KCCC Staff Conference

Amidst our sickness, about a thousand Korean staff came to the first KCCC Staff Conference since 2008 (나는 간사다). The founder (Dr. Joon Gon Kim) of this now 53 year old ministry, went home to be with the Lord in 2010 so this was an important conference for the ministry's staff in terms of unity and reaffirmation of God's calling. I served with childcare for about 400 kids at the conference while Christina helped give leadership overall. We also celebrated Christina's 12th year on staff with 96 others being honored.

KCCC President Dr. Park: Christina was recognized for her 12 years of service

Damien & Childcare: Damien leading the class in Korean and English

Other than our family's medical issues and our part in the staff conference this month, God has been focusing on forgiveness in my life. More specifically, when I have forgiven people in the past, did I truly forgive them or did the ability to avoid those people give me a false sense of forgiveness?

As I was recently faced with the need to forgive someone on a previously unprecedented scale I found myself, a seasoned "forgiver," struggling with forgiving. And my struggle was somehow magnified because I received the most perfect apology I've ever received from the person who wronged me. That should have made my forgiving job easier right? But still I struggled with how to truly forgive in a complete and Godly way.

Forgetting the perfection that God is and how everything short of perfection in God's economy is sin and therefore detestably filthy is how I got to the place of what I'll call incomplete forgiveness. It wasn't until God reminded me of how large my own need for forgiveness from Him was that showing forgiveness to the one who wronged me became doable in my heart.

Forgiving someone to the degree that we would be willing to sacrifice our son's life because of the love in our hearts is the example our father God set for us to follow. That's a level of forgiveness that is difficult to image let alone display in our lives but I am recently more convinced than ever that true forgiveness is an essential we need to first experience personally and then be reminded of from both sides of the coin on our journey as Christians to become more like God through the forgiveness we experience because of Jesus Christ.

We pray you are well and enjoying the freedom that comes through the forgiveness you have received from God and the forgiveness you give to others.
Thank you for your love and support,

Damien and Christina
