In The Need of Prayer

Please Pray for Us!

Athletes in Action (AIA), the sports ministry of Cru was in Korea twice this September for the Track & Field Championship and their Global Leaders Council (GLC) conference.

20 leaders from around the world were with us for a week in Seoul. Christina and I served the KCCC AIA Director, Mr. Hong, as he prepared for the Council's arrival. Translation and operations assistance were our primary roles but we did more than translate language. There is a potential culture and experience gap that the GLC wants to bridge related to sports ministry and it's current role in Korean ministry. This practically translates to campus and community based ministries being more effective in using sports ministry to reach those whom are less likely to initially connect with other campus ministry activities.

But that was just part of our month and right now we truly need your prayers. Christina's mom has been in the hospital now for near 4 weeks. The doctor has been giving and removing fluids, and doing various tests to determine exactly what's happening. The doctor informed us during second week of this month that mom has liver cirrhosis and they expect that she has less than 6 months left.

We've spent many hours at the hospital this month with mom. Her condition has been slowly deteriorating and this has of course had emotional effects on my brother and sister-in-law as well as Christina and I.
We need your prayers. Mom is not a believer and that makes this time even more emotional, stressful, and critical. Please pray with us for mom's healing but even more importantly pray that mom hears and receives the Gospel truth of Jesus Christ.

We are so grateful for your prayers,
Damien and Christina
