November 30, 2011
Dear Damien’s friends and ministry partners,
My name is Sheri Penman and I have been serving with Campus Crusade for Christ for the last 30 years. Now I’m serving at the ministry headquarters helping to send staff and our international couples to campuses around the world.
After nearly a year of serving together, Damien and Christina (Jung Hye) have been a blessing to the ministry in South Korea and they themselves have been blessed. I've been connecting with the couple from the States weekly as their HR Director and hearing their heart and stories of challenges and successes. I’ve been encouraged as I watch the Lord’s leading and calling for them. Damien has had to grow in so many areas in his faith, in adjusting to a new culture, learning the language, and in being a newlywed far from the support of his family. I myself spent some years serving in an Asian country as a missionary where I did not initially know the language and as a newly married person myself, so I know the range of emotions Damien and Christina have been experiencing. And with all that I've been impressed with how these two have handled their year in Korea.
You've seen their encouraging updates as have I, but I'm more interested in what God has in store for their future! Damien and Jung Hye have followed God in obedience and Damien has fulfilled all that we have asked him to do in ministry as our employee. They have two big transitions coming up. First, they are going to permanently relocate to the USA and secondly, Jung Hye is going to leave her employment with the Korean branch of CCC and instead become an employee of the US branch. They will have a number of trainings to attend to get Jung Hye up to speed and ready to be US staff.
As we have been talking about their return to the States I've seen the extent of their moving expenses, which is why I am writing to you today on their behalf. Moving their life from Korea to the States will put the Brooks' need for the first half of 2012 near the $15,000 mark.
As you are considering your end of the year giving I would encourage you to prayerfully consider giving towards the Brooks' ministry.
God Bless,
Sheri Penman
Intl. Couples Ministry Director
Location:Orlando, FL
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