Training International Missionaries
Five years ago there was a conference called CM2007 which had a purpose of mobilizing college students to share the Gospel on the unreached campuses of the world. There are around 25,000 campuses in the world. 8,000 of those are considered "main campuses" and 6,000 of those are totally unreached.
For the last 5 weeks Christina and I have been training a group of 25 college aged ministry leaders to go to some of those unreached campuses, share the gospel, and share follow up materials to new believers in English. Pretty awesome!
And also pretty tiring when done alongside our other speaking engagements, ministry partner meetings, family medical issues, and packing. But still with all these things going on God has been gracious to us, and we have been finding rest as He gives us opportunities.
Saying "Goodbye"
One thing we absolutely want to do well is leaving Korea. And we mean relationally as well as every other way. Spending time with friends and family have been the other marks of our last months in Korea. My preparation to come to Korea last year was nothing like our preparation this time to come to the States. From packing to meeting old friends and ministry partners, everything is a little heavier.
In our life as a family we know coming back to Korea will be part of our future many times, and as believers we know that no matter what happens we have the promise of eternity with our heavenly Father. So as we are saying "goodbye" to everyone here we know that it is only for a short time and we will be with them all again one day.
That said, please pray for us that we do leave
Meeting Friends and Ministry PartnersKorea well and that we trust the Lord with the details of our family's health physically and spiritually.
Remember You're Blessed!
Please Pray for:
Christina's grandmother has not been eating well recently. We've been taking her to the doctor for a couple weeks now and the doctors believe she needs to stay at the hospital for awhile. Please pray for her appetite and for her heart as her granddaughter is about to leave the country long-term.
March 26, 2012
One month to go! Please pray all the boxes travel well on there 2+ month journey. The next time we write to you will be from the United States.
The Korea Wrap Up
Wrapping up in Korea is necessary and it's important as we don't plan to come back to Korea for two years initially, but it's more important to us to physically leave with our relationships well maintained. Please pray for our Korean friends and ministry partners to stay connected with us after we've left Korea. And please pray for us to close things with family (especially) and friends well.
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