Back In the USA

We're Back!
Getting over jet lag took significantly longer than we hoped but that was alright because we needed the rest after leaving Korea. We've passed the time meeting family like the two new faces in our Maryland family.

We also took a trip to meet Grandmother and the Tennessee aunts, uncles and cousins for the first time.

We've also spent considerable time getting all our infrastructure reset in the States which is primarily a test of patience more than operational skill. Green card receipt, social security creation, drivers license country exchanging, official hiring by the US ministry, training for future international long term ministry, celebrating our wedding in the States with family and friends, raising up new ministry partners, and finally moving to Orlando is our schedule and life for the rest of this year.

The training and hiring this summer have us on the road for 3 months so we will be doing our best to meet with old and potential new ministry partners along the way. We'll be in Orlando in May, then driving from DC to LA via Colorado June through July before we head back to DC in August. Please pray our travel is safe and productive.

Lots of Praise Reports
We have to update you on Christina's grandmother who was in the hospital for nearly a month right before we left Korea. Grandma had nutrition issues that we became increasingly concerned about so we took her to the hospital where Christina spent every night by grandma's side. Today we are happy to report that Grandma is healthy and not only that, God opened the door for her to move in with Christina's mom. This is a huge blessing for mom and grandma emotionally, physically, financially, and we pray spiritually as well.

Another praise, we started the green card process over a year ago and once we got back to the States things slowly started moving forward again. The immigration office gave us a challenge in scheduling an appointment while we're on the road (an appointment whose validity we highly question). Everyone told us they don't take walk-ins and that we should not reschedule because it would take "much" longer to get an appointment and the green card. So we prayed to meet kind hearted people and went to the immigration office anyway. Praise the Lord, they took us that day and so now we are asking God for another miracle. We leave for a cross country road trip in June and driving alone is no fun. We need all Christina's paperwork to come in before we can get her drivers license. Please pray for that with us.

Christina and I know you've been praying because God has been truly working on our behalf. Thank you for your love and prayers.

Damien and Christina


1. Immigration
Please pray the green card comes before we drive cross country for our international missions training.

2. Raising Ministry Partners
Leaving Korea, Christina lost and gain some ministry partners. Please pray we follow the Lords leading in meeting and being introduced to new partners.

Location:Lorton Rd,Lorton,United States
