End of the Summer

Wow, that was a lot of driving, but we finally made it back to the east coast. Christina and I drove and prayed through 25 States on our way from Florida through DC, to Illinois and the North, through Colorado to California, back to Texas and through the South. We saw God provide great new ministry partners on this, our first cross country trip together and now we're preparing to head to New York to meet the last 20 people we need to partner with us before reporting back to Orlando full-time.

Since we began preparing to leave Korea in January we have been in the mist of heavy transition. And this summer driving cross country,
attending trainings, and setting up life in the USA has been no exception. No matter who you are, one of the side effects of "life's schedule" is that we can loose focus of what we are working towards.  For us to stay motivated we have to remind ourselves of our purpose.  Here's a reminder for Christina and I of what we are doing all this for:

1. This summer the US ministry saw over 11,000 men and women enter into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
2. 380 men and women's became short term international missionaries and were trained with the help of our team in August.
3. Dannielle Green, a student at University of Florida this semester tweeted: "Over 90 students gave their lives to Christ tonight!#CRU at #UF is the place to be on Thursday nights!"

This is just a small window into our ministry but it is refreshing to us the middle of "the schedule" to remember that everything we do is in order to bring honor to God. And Christina and I can stay focused on this in part because of your partnership. Thank you!

Prayer Requests:

1. Thank you for praying for our car. It was fixed quickly and inexpensively.
2. We ask your prayers as we get ready for this trip to New York that we meet the 20 new partners God has prepared for us.
