Put Out Into the Deep Water

Simon answered, "Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything.  But because you say so, I will let down the nets."  (Luke 5:5)  "Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch."

Shalom, The Lord's peace be with you. How have you been this winter?  One month has already passed in the new year and we've been experiencing so much of God’s encouragement we wanted to share with you.

Recently, the Cru National Campus Ministry Team which we will be working with told us they need us to come back to Orlando as soon as possible.  Our hearts are ready to go there now honestly.  We've been eager to get back to help with the harvest again.  Yet we can not leave because our ministry partner goal has not yet been met.

From the last  few weeks in January God has been challenging us through Luke 5.  Why did Jesus tell Peter "Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch" even though Peter worked hard all night and hadn't caught anything?  Why did Jesus tell him who worked hard all night to go out one more time?  Looking at the story, Peter's answer touches us… 

"...But because you say so, I will let down the nets."

Sometimes we don't understand why God is telling us things but trust and obedience are keys in our relationship with God.  Just as Peter let down the nets after a full day of fruitless work, we connect with people again and again by faith until we meet the new ministry partners God has prepared for us.

And God has sent us new ministry partners.  Recently he's connected us with several churches that are mission focused. We've felt God's encouragement through our time meeting with them and we believe God's telling us it's time to put the net out for the catch of partners that will break our expectations.

We are so encouraged by the Lord and by your prayerful support.  Thank you for your faithful giving hearts.  We pray that you will let down the nets daily by faith in your life.

1. Pray that our family is obedient, filled with and following the Holy Spirit daily.
2. Pray that God sends us 10 new faithful ministry partners who will support us prayerfully and financially. 
3. We will go to the US National Leadership Conference in February. Pray that the conference will go smoothly and that the national leaders cast vision and direction well.
4. We will move to a temporary rental home in Orlando when we finish raising our support.  Pray that we will move in March and that we find a rental that is inexpensive with a flexible contract, near Cru HQ, and one that has a good environment while we look for a permanent home.
5. Pray that God take's care of Jung Hye's mom's health (liver cirrhosis), and that our family members meet Jesus personally.

Remember You're Blessed!
