We Made it to Orlando

Shalom!  Peace be with you.  We had a smooth move from Washington DC to Orlando.  Thank you for your prayers.  Even though we've both worked at Cru headquarters before we have recently been learning many new things. Please pray that we settle into our new roles and that we serve the ministries God gives us well.  

Big Break, our spring break outreach conference which was March 2nd thru the 30th has finished.  At the same time that 200,000 students came to the Panama City Beach for their spring break, 3,229 Cru students came to the Big Break. They had spiritual conversations with 12,908 people (pp), shared the Gospel to 4,636 pp, and 376 pp prayed to receive Christ.  They also shared how to be filled with the Holy Spirit with 904 pp.

During the conference we had worship services and students were taught how to share the gospel.  In the afternoons, they went to the beach and shared the gospel.  In the evening, we had worship and shared evangelism testimonies from the day.  Students mainly shared the gospel with other students on the beach but one student had a police officer approach him.  The officer asked one of our students "Are you Tim Tebow?" Tim Tebow is a famous Christian football player.  Our student said "No, I'm not but we do have something in common..." then he started a spiritual conversation with the officer.  He shared the gospel and the officer received Christ personally. 

Praise The Lord, there were even a few students attending Big Break who needed to know Jesus.  We saw several of them receive Jesus personally and after that they went out on the beach and shared the gospel alongside their peers. Hallelujah!  

Thank you for your prayers and support.  Many lost are coming to Christ.  God is changing their lives and they are sharing the gospel with others through your faithful partnership.  Thank you for being a pathway of blessing.

1. URGENT Family Request: We heard from Korea this past week that Jung Hye's stepfather is in a coma.  Our hearts are heavy for him as well as mom and grandma as stepfather is their main provider.  Pray that God takes care of our family's health. 
2. Ministry & Settling: Pray that God gives us wisdom and power for the ministry work as we settle in.  Pray that we can settle into our new environment well.
3. Moving: We have to find our long term home between now and June 10th.  Pray that we will see the home that God has prepared for us.
