Peace be with you! Another long summer has passed and we are thankful for your prayers. The Cru US staff conference finished in July and it went very well. Our near five thousand missionaries say they were well rested and refreshed by the Lord through their time there. Thank you again for your prayers and support allowing us to be a part of serving this ministry event.
After this summer's 2 months of ministry we returned to Florida to move into a townhouse, arrange our belongings, and prepare for this fall's ministries. It has been very busy and physically tiring, but we are experiencing God’s presence and provision in the mist of what we expect will be our last big move for some time.
As we've been moving in and arranging our house we quickly saw that we didn't have enough in certain areas so we prayed in detail and He started providing for our needs in many ways. Last year, a ministry partner gave us lots of items out of her kitchen as she was moving to Korea. Damien’s father gave us his couch set and some of mom’s kitchenware. Another missionary friend gave us one of her extra bookshelves that we really needed.
Then we met a couple in Florida who was praying that God would send them Cru missionaries to sell their practically new furniture to at discount (understatement) prices. God answered both of our prayers. We took the majority of their furniture. We know that everything we have received has come from God. Please pray that we use and serve with these things as God would have us.
We pray that you are experiencing God’ presence and provision daily. Thank you for your prayerful support. We love & bless you.
Sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; poor, yet making many rich; having nothing, and yet possessing everything. (2 Corinthians 6:10)
Prayer Requests:
1. Ministry Schedule: Please pray for the following trainings attendees to be well prepared for their ministries and that they get what God wants them to through the trainings. And please pray that we are always being filled by the Holy Spirit, and that God gives us wisdom and power for His service.
- New National Directors School (Aug 26th – 29th)
- Stint to New Staff Training (Sept 5th -15th)
2. Housing : Please pray that our housing contract process finishes well and that God continues to provide for us financially as we finally settle down in the States.
3. Family: Thank God that He is encouraging and giving peace to our family. Please pray that God takes care of Jung Hye’s mom's & family's health. And pray that they can meet God more deeply and experience His presence and provision.
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