Prepped and Ready to Go

Peace be with you!  How has the summer treated you?  We’ve been back from Colorado in Florida for one month after leading our long term overseas missionary training (Xtrack) for two months.  On the last night of Xtrack we had a commissioning service to pray for and officially send the 70 missionaries and their families.  These missionary families (above) are going to 23 countries  in East Asia, South Asia, South East Asia, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Francophone Africa, Latin America, Oceania and other secure locations.  Please pray for these missionaries serving all over world that they will quickly settle into the local cultures they’ll be ministering in, that they learn the local languages well, and that they see much fruit for God’s Kingdom.

Damien and I also learned many things through this training.  In the midst of the hard work of this prayer covered training, we learned about humble leadership.  I (Jung Hye) had some good reflections on my life as an overseas missionary.  I learned the great need for Christ’s love, patience, and humility for growth in a different culture and environment. 

We were encouraged through this leadership role.  Damien and I worked a minimum of 12 hours every day to prepare and run the training.  We were tired at the end but on the last day when were saying our goodbyes, all the attendees gave us a standing ovation for our work on their behalf.  Our tiredness seemed to disappear through their encouragement.

Thank you for your encouragement through your prayerful support.  We pray that God encourages you in the same way He has encouraged us.  Thank you.


1. New Staff Training
(Sept 4th ~ 14th): We are preparing the Fall New Staff Training where 90 new missionaries will join our ranks.  Pray that God gives us wisdom in the preparation and training process and that He prepares the new staff’s hearts.

2. Family: Pray for Jung Hye’s mom’s health to improve and for all our family’s health and relationships with God.

3. Meeting Ministry Partners: We will be meeting new ministry partners in the next few months. Pray that the Lord sends us to the people He has prepared for us raise the nearly $1,000 monthly we currently lack.
