“Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to his disciples to set before the people. He also divided the two fish among them all.   They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces of bread and fish. The number of the men who had eaten was five thousand”. (Mark 6:41~44)

The miracle of the five loaves and the two fish

Last month, we came to DC from Orlando. As we came to DC to pray for our needs we stopped our typical ministry roles to focus on raising our financial support.  God encouraged us through the miracle of the five loaves and the fish.  We were praying “Father God, we only have like the five loaves and two fish, but we believe you will provide more than enough like in the miracle.”

Then last month, after we sent our newsletter with the special letter, we received lots of love and encouraging words from many people. Some said, “I will pray for you even though I can’t support you financially,” some introduced us to new ministry partners, some became ministry partners, some sent us special gifts, some joyously increased their current giving… we are so encouraged by each of your prayers, love, and financial support. 

Missions Pastor From a Local Korean Church

God especially seemed to want us to connect with churches in the DC area to introduce our ministry.  We are waiting to hear final decisions about our $1,300/monthly need but we believe God has already provided our needs.  We are thankful we serve a God who provides for us.  We are truly thankful for your love as faithful prayerful supporters. Thank you.

We’re visiting Korea!

It’s been almost 3 years since we left Korea. Time is flying. When I think about our Korean family while serving in the States, my heart is always heavy. This summer, during the long term overseas missionary training, a senior missionary recommended that we visit Korea as part of our transition process so we decided to go back to the mother land.  Damien and I will visit Korea for the month of November for the primary purpose of seeing and encouraging our family.  Please pray for our trip.

Prayer Requests

1. Bridges International Students Winter Conference (December, Baltimore, MD): We are preparing the International Student winter conference. Pray for the non-believing students who will attend the conference.  Pray that God leads them and that they will meet Jesus personally through the conference. 

2. STINT Midyear (Short-term Missionary Midyear Training, January, Spain) : We are preparing the midyear training for the short-term missionaries who are serving overseas for 1~2 years. Please pray as the training will held in Spain that every need on the ground locally will be prepared well, and also that God prepares the attendees’ hearts and their way as they come from other countries. 

3. Visiting Korea: Pray that God gives us good rest and re-energization through time with family and ministry partners. Pray that God takes care of our family's health, and also pray that they meet God deeply.  
