Shalom! Peace be with you. How have you been? We were in Panama City Beach, Florida for Big Break, our outreach conference in March. Thank you for your prayers. 2,113 students attended to share the Gospel during their Spring Break.
Every morning students prayed for their campuses and the lost in the prayer room. We trained our students in how to share the Gospel then they shared on the beach in the afternoons and gave testimonies of what God did in the evenings. Our students had spiritual conversations with 3,243 people, shared the Gospel with 1,470 people, and 241 people prayed to receive Christ! They also shared about how to be filled with the Holy Spirit with 292 people. They shared the Gospel through social media with 3,031 non-believing family members and friends. 104 people prayed to receive Christ this way. Hallelujah!
There are many testimonies from the month. Muslims decided to follow Christ, sons have talked about the spiritual side of their lives with their fathers for the first time, and nursing students have seen fellow medical professionals start a relationship with Jesus.
A Japanese student studying in America attended Big Break before she returned to her home country. Her campus friends shared the Japanese four spiritual laws with her and she went back to Japan having received Jesus personally. Before she left she was introduced a missionary in Japan so she could help her continue to grow in her relationship with God.
Through our digital evangelism a student was able to share the gospel with her sister (who was at home) and her sister accepted Christ! A student who was an atheist said “When I was an atheist, I converted my cousin to atheism. Today, I introduced her Jesus.”
We also saw the fruits of previous Big Breaks. A girl student with whom Jung Hye shared the four spiritual laws and received Jesus personally 2 years ago became a student leader and attended Big Break this year with her own disciple. 2 years ago an east asian student came to Big Break and he received Jesus personally. He went back to his campus and his faith grew. This year he came back to Big Break having recruited 16 international students. Several of them received Jesus during this Big Break as their friend had 2 years ago.
Please pray for the 2,113 students who attended Big Break that they would continue to apply all that they learned and lean on the Lord in their lives. Pray for the 4,501 people who heard the Gospel and the 345 people who indicated a decision to accept Christ. Thank you for your love, prayer, and financial support.
Prayer Requests
- Pray for Damien and the ministry leaders as they pray and work towards the future of Big Break in terms of location and ministry opportunities.
- Pray that the students live what they learned at Big Break. Pray that they get connected to local churches and that they continue to grow in their faith.
- Pray that God gives us good health and that He gives us a baby in His time.
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