Hurricane Irma
Shalom, peace be with you. How have you been? We heard from many friends and family worried about us because of Hurricane Irma. We came back from Korea the day after the Hurricane passed. Our home was fine. We lost power for a few days and had some broken trees in the neighborhood. Many flights were cancelled the day after but we came back home without any delays. Thank you for your prayers.
In Korea…
Visiting Korea this year was very so encouraging. We finally met Jung Hye’s brother’s fiancé (now wife) whom we’ve been praying for a long time. We had our first family trip with the Korean family. We met new ministry partners whom God prepared for us and we got to see ministry partners we couldn’t meet for many years. It was a very precious and important time all around with each person we met. We couldn’t meet as many people as we really wanted to in Korea, in part because our grandmother unexpectedly had to spend several days in the ICU and we helped our brother move out of our father’s house. Our prayers continue to be with all those praying and partnering with us. Thank you for your love, prayer, and financial support.
In America…
The new semester started and our busy schedule did too. We don’t want to focus on the tasks but on building and encouraging people so that they can come to know God deeply. Please pray that we don’t trust in our own power, wisdom and experience, but that we trust in and follow the Lord. Our team is serving the Fall New Missionary Training. 106 missionaries are taking the training and they will be sent to the US and overseas. Pray that God will provide their needs, and that they will begin serving in ministry by faith courageously. Blessings!
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:9)
Prayer Requests
- New Semester: The new semester started so we have many things to plan and prepare. Pray that God gives us wisdom every moment and that we are sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Pray that God gives Damien wisdom and love as he leads the team.
- Mission Fund Raising: We raised $110 monthly and one time gifts around $4,000 while we were in Korea. We’re so thankful to the Lord for connecting us with our ministry partners. Pray that God provides our remaining needs and sends us more faithful ministry partners who will support us with prayers and finances.
- Family: Pray that God takes care of Jung Hye’s grandmother’s who was in ICU. Pray that God gives us good health and a baby in His time.
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