
He who sacrifices thank offerings honors me, and he prepares the way so that I may show him the salvation of God.  Psalm 50:23

Shalom, peace be with you.  Approaching the end of the year brings up many emotions and thoughts that can bring happiness or sadness.  We like to take this time of year to remember all the things God has done and thank Him and others for the part they play in our lives and His work.

Thankful for the Campus Ministry

In the Campus Ministry alone this year over 25 million people heard the gospel and 329,865 people became new believers in Jesus Christ.  This could not happen without the thousands of missionaries and ministers on the ground helping train and equip others to be evangelists.  And it couldn’t happen without the many millions of believers giving to provide prayers, resources, ministers, and missionaries to go.  Thank you for your part.

Thankful for the Conference Ministry

We’re thankful for the several thousands of students who came to be trained and sent to the world to spread the gospel through the conferences we ran this year.  Our team (pictured right) served 45 ministry events and conferences this year.   We started with the Bridges Vision conference that had 1,000 foreign students in attendance, most of whom are from countries where they can’t openly hear the gospel.  We are thankful for the ministry in Spain serving the 400 short and long term missionaries serving in Europe, northern Africa, and the Middle East, 25 countries represented.  We served at the training of the next leaders of short term (1 to 2 years) missions.  Then there was the training of 425 new missionaries, our spring break outreach where 4,500 heard the gospel, 292 decided to live being filled with the Holy Spirit, and 345 prayed to receive Christ!  Thank you Lord!

Thank You!

We’re thankful that God chooses to use us all to further His kingdom and His glory.  He called each of us.  And the significant piece for us is that we are being obedient to His calling.  Thank you for being obedient to His calling.  Thank you for your faithful love, prayers, and giving to allow us to continue following God’s calling.  Our prayers are with you.  Thank You.

Happy Thanksgiving!

I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.  Philippians 1:3-5

Prayer Requests
  1. Soon Winter Conference: We will serve at the Soon winter conferences that mainly Korean-Americans will attend in LA (Dec 18 – 23) and in New York (Jan 2 – 6). Please pray that God prepares the students hearts and leads them so that they can meet Jesus personally and have a turning point in their lives through the conferences.
  2. Pray that God improves our health and gives us a baby in His time.
