Shalom! Peace be with you. How have you been? We’ve returned to Orlando after finishing our two month journey. “God, where do we need to go? Please let us know whom we need to meet.” Starting from this prayer in Orlando we went to Georgia, North Carolina, Washington DC, New York, Buffalo, and then back again through the south. All in all a 3,400 mile journey over two months. Through the meetings God prepared 23 people and 4 churches to become our new ministry partners. There were people who heard our story from near and far who encouraged and gave us one time gifts. We are thankful for how God led and connected us with our new ministry partners and for how He continues to provide our needs.
We experienced God’s deep care for us in several ways along the way. Jung Hye had an issue in New York with her tooth that needed immediate attention. We are thankful it happened while we were in New York so we could meet a Dentist who helped Jung Hye when she lived in New York years ago. Her treatment went smoothly and we were blessed by the Dentist for the cost of the procedure. Also, we met a Christian couple while staying Buffalo “by chance” who live in Georgia. We hit it off and they invited us to stay in their home on our way back to Florida. They treated us like old friends and blessed us to stay comfortably in their place on our way home. In addition to these signs of God’s care for us, the New York Korea Cru dormitory and several ministry partners opened their homes to us. With these gifts of love and more we were able to finish our two month journey well. Thank you for your prayers and serving us with your love.
Before we left New York one of our friends who is a youth pastor contacted us saying: “We have 12 teenagers at our church. They are going on a short-term mission this summer for the first time. Can you come to our church to challenge and encourage them about missions?” We had other plans but we prayed and decided to go speak to the 12 students. It was a precious opportunity to share about the heart of missions we didn’t want to miss. They leave soon for their first missionary journey to Guatemala. Please pray that many lost meet Jesus through them.
Now that we’re back in Orlando it’s time to start preparing for our new role in the Global Leadership Office on the President’s staff team. Please pray that we carefully listen to God’s voice, obey Him faithfully, and serve Him in this role wisely. We are impressed by and thankful for your partnership. It’s a pleasure to partner with you.
Thank you!
Prayer Requests
- Global Leadership Conference (June 8 ~16, Florida, USA): As our first event on the Global Leadership Office team we are serving the Global Leadership Conference that the National and Area Directors will attend. Please pray that the leaders coming from all over the world will arrive safely. Also that the needs, vision, and strategies of the global ministry are further developed and unified in God’s plan through the conference.
- Family: Please pray that we walk with God moment by moment and become more and more a family filled with the Holy Spirit. And pray that God gives us a baby in His time.
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