Global Leadership Conference

Peace be with you.  How have you been this hot summer?  The 2018 Global Leadership Conference finished well. Over 280 Global leaders from all over the world gathered in Florida to share the progress of the Great Commission for God’s Kingdom and build some specific strategies.  We met many global leaders from Africa, Asia, South America, etc, including Dr. Park the Korea National director, to introduce our ministry and connect with them. The words we heard most while speaking with them were “Come!” “Come to my country.”  “We need help.”  We prayed more after we heard their needs “God, please lead us to go where you want us to go and help us to serve the needs well.  Please pray that we go wherever help is needed in the world by God’s leading to serve the conference ministries there.

During the Global Leadership Conference, we heard about great increases in new global movements: 
Student Led Movements (Campus Ministry): Globally, Student Led Movements had a presence on 7,187 campus locations by the end of 2017. 
Leader Impact: Leader Impact that reaches the efficient leaders has been exceeding their annual goals and now has seen movements developed in 173 key cities globally; 
Digital Strategies: On our various digital properties, we are engaging over 4 million people monthly, including new users from many closed nations where it is difficult or impossible to send missionaries. 
Partnership: Cru has been intentionally increasing partnerships around the world now with the goal of seeing millions of multiplying disciples raised up globally. Through God’s grace and working together with many partners there have been more than 3.3 million multiplying disciples raised up since 2010.
Global Church Movements: With the work of our partners and missionaries around the world working with Cru we saw Global Church Movements plant nearly 30,000 churches in 2017. 
JesusFilm: The Jesus Film (a Cru ministry and tool) is used by over 1,500 partner organizations. For 2017, these partners reported 374 million new viewings, resulting in 42 million decisions for Christ. 

God is at work in the world and we get to partner together to be a part of His amazing work.  We are truly thankful for your partnership.  Thank you.

Prayer Requests
  1. Institute of Biblical Studies (July 5-18): We will take an IBS seminary class, Christian worldview and Ethics, this summer. Pray that we will see the world through God’s perspective and apply what we learn with the love of Christ through the class.
  2. Visiting Korea (July 19-August 9th): Jung Hye will visit Korea for the Cru board meeting.  Pray for a safe trip and for everything to go smoothly.
  3. Family: Please pray that we walk with God moment by moment becoming more and more a family filled with the Holy Spirit. And pray that God gives us a baby and His time.
