The Life of Strangers

“All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance. And they admitted that they were aliens and strangers on earth.” (Hebrews 11:13)

Shalom!  Peace be with you.  How are you?  We celebrated Korean Thanksgiving recently in Orlando, but every holiday, we miss our family and hometowns more and more.  We just finished the International Orality Network (ION) conference last week and we are leaving shortly for another event.  Being in and out of our house so often reminds us that we are like strangers on the earth before we go to our homeland, the country we are all from.  Our lives on the earth can sometimes be difficult and full of suffering, but we pray that you desire your true home country and that you experience the promises of God living by faith.

International Orality Network

170 evangelists and missionaries who have a focus on oral ministry attended the ION conference. ION is a partner with Cru which is how we became a part of the ION leadership team for 2018.

Orality ministry is focused on sharing the Gospel to the illiterate and literate through various storytelling methods because that is what connects best well our hearts.  Through our time serving with ION our appreciation of oral ministry has grown especially in sharing with the unreached.  Like Christ used parables, orality connects sharing scriptural stories and the Gospel through internalizing Bible stories, sharing the Gospel through the arts, english and other sign languages, and sharing through film.  Please pray for the unreached illiterate, deaf, and oral preferences learners around the world who need to hear the Gospel and for those that God will use to take the Gospel to them.

Your partnership allows us to be a part of ministry opportunities like these.  Thank you.  We pray that you and your family find peace and strength in Christ afresh today.


Prayer Requests

  • Financial Needs: We are thankful for the prayers God has answered in sending us new ministry partners this month.  He continues to provide our needs and we believe He will provide our needs fully.  Please pray that God prepares our ministry partners for us and that He provides our full financial needs so that we can focus on ministry with our new team.
  • Next Conference: *We can’t give you any information about the next conference now for security reasons but we still need your  prayers.  Please pray that God protects the attendees and that the Holy Sprit leads this conference.
  • Family: Please pray that we walk with God moment by moment becoming more and more a family filled with the Holy Spirit and pray that God gives us a baby in His time.
