Happy New Year!

May His peace be with you!  Happy new year! We pray this cold season is treating you well and that you will have a hopeful, victorious year in Christ.

In December, we got a call from Soon Movement, the Korean Ministry of Cru in the US, saying they recently decided to have the church youth conference separate from the college student conference for the first time and that they needed our help to make the conference happen.  When we met with each Global ministry team in November & December we heard the needs of many conferences and we prayed “God, please send us where we are needed and where you want us to serve.”  This call in December was the beginning of our prayer being answered.

The conference theme was Unshamed from Romans 1:16.  640 youths, pastors, and church leaders from the west coast attended this Higher Calling Youth (HCY) Conference in San Diego. The student’s feelings of awkwardness at the beginning of the week began to transform to eagerness as they started arriving one hour early in front of the session doors.  After the conference we heard many testimonies of thankfulness from the students and church leaders.

One student who was addicted to drugs and suicidal met Jesus personally during the conference.  He said because of Christ he is free from darkness.  There was another student who started attending church a few months ago.  She was the only person in her family curious about Christianity.  She attended HCY because her pastor and friends encouraged her to come. She said it was the best choice she made in her life.  Before coming she couldn’t believe it when people said their lives totally changed after believing in Jesus.  Today she said she never felt nor experienced God’s love like this and now her life has been changed by meeting Jesus personally.

Through HCY we saw the spiritual hunger of these young men and women.  We saw their pain and we saw Jesus meet and heal them.  Please pray that these students follow Jesus and share the Gospel courageously in their families, schools, and communities.  We thank and praise God who is with us for the chance to serve Him.  And we are thankful for you, your partnership with us, your prayers, love, and support.  We pray that you will meet Jesus closely this year.  Thank you.

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.”  Romans 1:16

Prayer Requests:

  1. Global Leadership Office President’s Staff Team: We are thankful that we met with each Global ministry team to hear their many needs for conferences and trainings. Pray that our feet follow God’s steps as we confirm our schedule for the year and day to day. 
  2. Global LDHR Leaders Training (Orlando, FL, Jan 27 - Feb 2): We have an upcoming training for Global Leadership Development and HR leaders.  Pray that the global leaders coming from overseas travel safely and that through the training the leaders will help serve the needs and develop the leadership of missionaries all over the world more effectively.
  3. Family: Please pray that we walk with God moment by moment becoming more and more a family filled with the Holy Spirit and pray that God gives us a baby in His time.
