“We love because he first loved us.” 1 John 4:19
Our time at the conference reminded us that we need to love and forgive others like Jesus loves and forgives us. We were impressed, encouraged, and led to pray more by the stories and testimonies from missionaries around the world. We heard that even though there is much suffering, persecution, and poverty there are still many lost people meeting Jesus around the globe. God is at work through faithful young college students even in our stubborn generation all over the world. Please pray for the missionaries and Christ’s mission to us of making disciples of all nations.
We got to celebrate our graduation from Cru’s Institute of Biblical Studies during the conference. Thinking back on the years of classes, there were some challenges for Jung Hye taking classes in her second language. Reading the thick theology books and writing the papers was not easy for her but in persevering she found it meaningful to study God’s word this way for the last few years.
We also celebrated with Cru at our Heritage Night ceremony. We celebrated Damien’s 16th and Jung Hye’s 20th anniversary as Cru missionaries. It has been by God’s grace that we’ve been allowed to live and serve in this ministry God called us to. We are thankful for you who support us with prayers, love, and finances to keep us serving on the mission field. We love and bless you in the LORD.
Thank you
Prayer Requests:
1. Global Church Movement Conference (August 29 - September 6): We are preparing Cru’s Global Church Movement’s Bold Moves 2 which has a vision to train leaders, partners, church planters, and multiply disciples to build spiritual movements everywhere. The upcoming conference will train 300 global missionaries for this ministry. Pray that the attendee’s finances and visas all come through. Especially, pray for the people who are coming from closed countries, that God leads their steps and protects them from difficult situations as we help them get their visas. Please pray that God leads all our steps. Pray that through the training we can see many more multiply disciples build spiritual movements everywhere.
2. Family: Please pray that we walk with God moment by moment becoming more and more a family filled with the Holy Spirit. Pray the Lord gives us spiritual and physical strength to serve Him and pray that God gives us a baby in His time.
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