Social Distancing & Closer to God

Peace be with you. How are you? We pray that you are experiencing God’s presence and peace in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis. Even though we are social distancing with each other, we pray that you are taking the opportunity to get closer with God.  Since the lockdown began, we have been making videos or video calls for meetings, trainings, and conferences.  There is some sadness that we aren’t meeting in person, but we are thankful we can continue to do ministry online.   We are learning a lot in this season of change.

Our First Online Conference
As many did in March, we began to pivot in our event partnership with the Christian Leadership Alliance for their conference.  It was scheduled to be held in Texas this April originally and was changed to be an online conference the first week of May due to COVID -19.  It was unfamiliar and had some unforeseen parts, like most firsts, but with the grace of God we were able to finish well.  In fact by changing the conference to be online, the number of participants who could share in the content and spiritual growth increased from 1,000 in 2019 to 1,500 this year.  In addition, overseas attendees who were previously unable to attend the face to face event for security and visa reasons were able to attend online, making the experience even more meaningful for everyone. 

Current and emerging forms of online events will likely continue on as the new normal at least until COVID-19 subsides.  Please pray that God gives us wisdom and creativity to prepare these online conferences.  Pray also that the Gospel spreads all over the world like wildfire through online ministry.

Global Updates
Although COVID-19 is having a large influence on ministry, we still hear that God is working and that this special time is creating new opportunities to share the Gospel around the world. In one highly secure Asian country, our missionaries, together with churches, disciples, and a ministry partner who has direct contact with a company that produces face masks have launched a strategy of distributing 1 million face masks with evangelistic booklets to reach 1 million people for Christ.  Since the government ordered everyone to wear face masks when they leave their homes, the local people saw that Christians were concerned for them by providing this necessity.  Some people shed tears when they were approached as they felt valued and cared for. This initiative has helped ease restrictions for the church planters and disciples involved because the authorities saw that the Christians were helping communities. To date, 850,000 face masks and booklets have been distributed through 805 churches in 63 provinces or cities in this highly secure country. 

In one North African country that was having a very difficult time reaching people recently they expanded their outreach through Facebook ads. As a result, they had 110 conversations and 31 gospel presentations. From that, five people indicated they had accepted Christ. Hallelujah
Thank you for your partnership with us in prayer, finances, and love.  Even in this difficult season you bless us. Thank you.

Prayer Requests:

1. Global Online Events: We are preparing several global online events and trainings. Pray for wisdom on our online programs, interpretation, and country-specific needs. Please pray we follow the Holy Spirit’s lead moment by moment.  Pray we learn and grow through the preparation process. 

2. Christian Leader Coaching Training: From May 18th to June 29th, we are taking the Christian coach training for global leaders. Please pray that we become better Christian leaders through this training.

3. Family: Please pray that we walk with God moment by moment becoming more and more a family filled with the Holy Spirit.  Pray the Lord gives us spiritual and physical strength to serve Him and pray that God gives us a baby in His time.
