Thank You!

 All your works shall give thanks to you, O Lord, and all your saints shall bless you!” (Psalm 145:10) 

Peace be with you. How have you been? We pray that you and your family are healthy and enjoying the peace of the Lord.  We want to offer a huge thank you for your faithful partnership with us in prayer, finances, and love.  Through the many changes and difficulties of this year you have blessed us.  Whenever we think of you, we’re so thankful, impressed, and grateful to God.  We pray that He fully provides you and your family’s needs.  Truly, thank you.

We are thankful and blessed for what God has done this year.
We’ve all experienced many changes this year.  Some were hard but there are many for which we can be thankful. Through online events, more people from all over the world heard the Gospel than before.  We’re praising God for the 48,437,215 visitors to in 2019.  558,353 of those visitors received Jesus Christ personally.  In 2020 God gave an increase of 67,902,298 visitors and 926,750 people have come to Christ so far. is a CCC Global online evangelism website.  
Due to COVID-19,  we had to study running successful online conferences and trainings.  It has been a great joy to be able to share with other ministry teams and missionaries what we have learned while doing online ministry.   
  • This year, starting with GO2020, more than 110 church and para-church leaders from 60 churches and mission organizations gathered to pray and discuss how we will work together to fulfill Jesus Christ’s Great Commission.  The vision of “Go and make disciples of all nations” can practically be accomplished by partnering together.  
  • We had our first online event serving Christian Leadership Alliance with 1500 attendees being prepared and trained as Christian leaders. Overseas attendees who were previously unable to attend the  face to face event for security and visa reasons were able to join us online making the experience even more meaningful for everyone. 
  • The JesusFilm has been translated into 1,700 languages and helped lead many to Christ.  Through the Briefing this year, many churches/multiplying groups were planted and more people caught the vision of partnership to fulfill the Great Commission. 
  • The CCC Global Church Movements’s Bold Moves series took place online in July, August, October and November with 1300 church planting missionaries attending our sessions to discuss and inspire the acceleration of church multiplication. 
  • We served with Global Alliance for Church Multiplication (GACX) for 7 months preparing the Global Forum.  We saw 4,000 church planting missionaries, pastors, and leaders from 130 countries and 90 organizations from around the world come together for this Forum.  It was an opportunity for collaboration focused on the building of spiritual movements around the world. 

We were able to serve all these ministries with God’s guidance and your partnership.  Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving!

Prayer Requests:
  1. LeaderImpact Global Summit (Dec 3, Online): We’re in preparation for the Summit now.  It will be attended by influential leaders from around the world.  Pray for these leaders to be positively influenced through this online event.  Pray the unbelieving leaders will hear the gospel and say yes to Jesus.
  1. Youth Higher Calling  Conference  (Dec 21 ~ 23, Online):  We are helping leaders prepare for teenagers to attend this virtual event. Please pray that all preparations go smoothly and that God provides for everyone’s needs to join the event.  Pray for the continued raising up of prayer and evangelistic movements in schools and communities after the conference.
  1. Family: Please pray that we walk with God moment by moment becoming more and more a family filled with the Holy Spirit.  Pray the Lord gives us spiritual and physical strength to serve Him and pray that God gives us a baby in His time.
