“And Jesus said to him, “‘If you can’! All things are possible for one who believes.” Mark 9:23
We pray for all your family’s healthy and a year full of hope in Christ. As we ended last year and welcomed the new, we took time to fast, pray, and meditate on the Gospel of Mark. In that time, the word God challenged us with was faith. We’re praying that this will be a year of bold courageous faith in Jesus even in the midst of the storms of our lives.
LeaderImpact Global Summit OnlineMinistering to leaders is a strategic way of reaching more people around the world. In December, 800 influential leaders from 62 countries attended the virtual LeaderImpact Global Summit. The Summit was about giving them opportunities to grow as leaders personally, professionally and spiritually. We offered a main session, 12 live interactive sessions, and many connection opportunities. We intentionally invited non-believing leaders so then could hear the Gospel from leaders they could relate with. Please pray the leaders who heard the Gospel have a connection, meet to grow in their faith, and become influential leaders for Christ.
Youth Higher Calling Online Conference
The missionaries who prepare the Youth Higher Calling Conference that Korean-American teens attend contacted us for help in preparing their first online conference. We counseled and coached on how they could apply what we’ve learned about how to organize and run an online event. It’s been a great joy to be able to share with other ministries and missionaries what God has taught us. After this conference in December, a report was received that 455 teenagers attended consistently online for three days. That is praise worthy on its own. But they also heard from these youths about conflicts with parents, game addiction, suicidal thoughts, COVID and other challenges. In this virtual youth conference, a space was created where students could share their difficulties and needs. And praise the Lord, we heard many testimonies that it became at time for many students to meet God personally. Please pray for the youth of the world who are also walking through the pandemic to find the cure for their souls in Jesus Christ.
Significance Project Online Webinar
We started 2021 with the Significance Project online webinar. Over 450 people from 70 countries attended. The Significance Project is a Cru discipleship training resources that guides people through biblical principles and life-coaching.. These training resources have been translated into over 30 languages. They’re currently being used to evangelize and disciple in companies, campuses, local communities, and churches in over 50 countries.
This webinar was focused on helping the attendees grow in understanding how to better walk people through discipleship training in our mostly online ministry context. The pandemic is not over yet and sharing the Gospel to the world does not and will not stop. Please pray that discipleship training will be conducted more effectively online so that many will grow in the Lord and discover the calling God has given to each one of them.
We are always so thankful for your partnership with us. Thank you and God bless!
Prayer Requests:
1. Global Leadership Conference (Online, Feb 24 -26, 2021): Now we are preparing a conference that Cru continental area and national leaders from more than 150 countries from around the world will attend. It will be a time to thank and praise God for what He has done and to share a vision for the future. Pray that all the program, interpretation, and technology work together smoothly. Pray for the leaders around the world to be one in Christ as they pursue the Great Commission. Even being a virtual conference, pray that God protects the leaders who will attend from closed countries.
2. Family: Please pray that we walk with God moment by moment becoming more and more a family filled with the Holy Spirit. Pray the Lord gives us spiritual and physical strength to serve Him and pray that God gives us a baby in His time.
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