Face to Face!

Peace be with you. We pray that you and your family are all in good health. Summer is upon us and we can report that God is good and is still at work around the globe and right here.  One thing the last year has taught us is the importance of community and we’re thanking God for the chance to be in community with family, brothers and sisters, old and new friends. We miss you and are praying for you. We hope to see you sometime soon. 

Face to Face!

After months of preparation, in June we were able to serve with our Christian Leadership Alliance partners at the Outcomes Conference in Florida (with more than 100 countries joining online), helping equip Christ-centered leaders to be better leaders in their places of influence.  It was our first face to face event since Covid 19. People were so happy, connected, and lively. We heard from many great Christian leaders and had 140+ workshops to discuss everything from: Thriving in Disruptive Times, to Maximizing Ministry Effectiveness, to Leadership From the Shepherd’s Perspective. 

Most impactful was hearing from Joni Eareckson Tada a Christian author and quadriplegic of 50 years who has served actively in ministry for 40 years focused towards people in similar situations to her own.  Learning in her 20’s she would live the rest of her life as a quadriplegic, she said “Jesus, if I can’t die (because I hate being a quadriplegic), you have to please show me how to live.” God encouraged her with “I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.” - Acts 20:24. Her story is an incredible witness to the power of the Holy Spirit at work in our lives even when we are broken and weary.

Global Alliance for Church Multiplication (GACX) Forum

40% of people on the earth live in places where there are few to none believers or churches. Another 30% are in places the gospel has reached but they are still waiting to hear.  GACX is focused on helping grow churches so that we see one healthy multiplying church for every 1,000 people everywhere.  We’ve been in preparation for most of this year for our first true “hybrid” ministry event in the GACX Global Forum.  Last year we led the online only experience as Forum and Program Coordinators seeing over 4,000 participate.  This year we’re back in the same roles but bringing people together face to face and online.   We’ll broadcast main sessions and with the technology in our workshops, everyone will be able to interact no matter where they are in the world, nor on-site.  This will be a true hybrid event to mobilize partners to multiply themselves for the Kingdom of God.  Pray for us as we serve.  We thank God for and are praying for you. God bless you!

Prayer Requests:

  1. GACX Global Forum (Sept 28-30th, Florida & Online) Pray for the team we are leading, that the many moving pieces come together as God would have them.  Pray this is a global time to envision 1:1000, unify around the building of the church, connect us to partner towards the goal, equip us to reach it, and move us towards the vision together.
  2. Global Virtual Events: There are many virtual events still happening around our new global leadership, leadership focused ministries, and many others.  Pray for us as we prepare for and serve each of them.
  3. Family: Pray the Lord gives us spiritual and physical strength to serve with heavy schedules. Please pray that we walk with God moment by moment becoming more and more a family filled with the Holy Spirit. Pray He gives us a baby in His time.
