Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever. Psalm 136:1
Thank You
Peace be with you. How have you been? We pray that you and your family are healthy and enjoying the peace of the Lord. Thank you so much for your faithful partnership with us in prayer, finances, and love. Whenever we think of you, we’re so thankful, impressed, and grateful to God. We pray that He fully provides you and your family’s needs. Truly, thank you.
JesusFilm Briefing
The JesusFilm is the most translated film in history with over 1939 versions and the JesusFilm Project partners with many to finish the task of the Great Commission. We recently held a JesusFilm Briefing for over 200 ministry partners who decided to give funds for the JesusFilm to be translated in even more languages. During the Briefing, we shared mission reports and testimonies. In the last 5 years in partnership with the JesusFilm, 2.2 billion watched the JesusFilm, 142 million came to Christ, and 1.3 million churches began.
Evangelist Wifi Camels
One recent JesusFilm story is about a mobile wifi system developed by a ministry partner. In many parts of the world internet access is valued but hard to come by. This mobile system can easily travel from place to place where it is hard to share the Gospel. When there is no wifi available, you might be surprised how quickly this mobile system is discovered and used by an entire town. A “camel mission team” arrived in a village by camel and a midwife stole the wifi system without knowing what it was. Her grand son figured out how to use it so she watched the JesusFilm and the evangelistic videos in the system. Through this midwife, a community of faith began and when the camel mission team returned to that village, they were invited to the house of the midwife to meet the 25 people who came to Jesus as a result of her ministry.
Rain After Drought
In a separate village, they needed rain and said the Muslim god hadn’t brought any. The people said they’ll watch the JesusFilm if the god of the people with the film brings the rain. When it rained, the villagers said they don’t even need to watch the video, they want to follow the rain bringing God.
Online Conferences & Trainings
2021 kept us mostly online again but we are thankful for the new believers and virtual global opportunities God provided. In October, 400 global participants attended the Significance Project online webinar, a Cru discipleship training resource. In November, 600 influential global leaders joined us for the LeaderImpact Summit to be better equipped to influence for Christ as they lead.
These are just a few stories of what God is doing. We can share the Gospel, train others, and share the vision of the fulfillment of the great commission to all levels of society through the conferences and trainings we help serve because of your loving partnership. Please pray that we serve by faith where God wants us to be, and that we follow the Holy Spirit’s leading next year.
Thank you!
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