Year of Prayer

“But he knows the way that I take; when he has tried me, I shall come out as gold.” Job 23:10

Happy new year! 

Peace be with you. How have you been?  We pray you and your family are all in good health and His peace.  In Florida where we live, it never snows no matter the temperature. We went to see Damien’s family after a long time, and we hoped it would snow before we left.  It snowed abundantly, so we had a great time in the snow. We felt that God expressed his love to us through nature saying “I love you, enjoy this treat.” We pray that this year, you will experience the Lord’s love abundantly.


A year of prayer

We confess that we must pray before the Lord as we see a future that is more unknown due to many changes and to covid. Our global ministries are also in the midst of changes and challenges as we welcome the new year. New global leaders representing about 20,000 missionaries serving in 190 countries around the world are envisioning and implementing adapted strategies. As part of Cru’s office of the president, we are praying and exploring strategies to better organize and conduct  conferences/trainings in global ministries. Right now we are praying towards the work of developing global leaders. GACX (Global  Alliance for Church Multiplication), whom we served with the last two years, asked us to serve this year’s forum to help develop church planters.  We are praying and planning together.  Please pray that God will give us wisdom and power as we plan these new strategies. 

Thank you for your prayerful partnership with us

Thank you for working together with prayer, love, and finances in the midst of difficult times due to the corona virus. Recently, we received an email from one of our ministry partners saying that they are praying for us everyday. Thank you so much to everyone who prays for us every morning or whenever you think of us. Another ministry partner contacted us and shared that they have to cut back on support due to economic difficulties related to the virus. We are thankful to them and you for continuing to support us financially knowing the challenges we are facing. We are so grateful and touched when we think of each of you. Thank you. We earnestly pray that God will take care of and provide your needs above all you could ask or think. God bless you,

Prayer Request

  1. Global Leaders: Pray that the global leaders are walking filled with the Holy Spirit and that they make the plans God has prepared as they are designing global strategy and specific action plans for this year.  
  2. Global Conference Strategy: As we set up strategies for global conferences and trainings, pray that we will design them wisely under the guidance of the Holy Spirit so that we will yield Win, Build, and Send fruit.
  3. Personal: Pray this will be a year of walking with God moment by moment and sensitively listening to God’s voice. Pray that we will be strengthened both physically and mentally.  And pray that God provides all our needs in His time.
