Happy Easter!

 He is Risen! 

Happy Easter! Recently we’ve been reading Psalm 23 and a related book as we meditated on Jesus, the good shepherd. Sheep are sensitive to even the slightest sound or movement, so they become easily frightened. Then they can’t lie down or eat just like we humans who so easily worry and fear. But if the sheep have a good shepherd who knows their needs and takes good care of them, they need not be afraid. All they have to do is follow and trust the shepherd. 

We pray that this Easter season you can experience His love and grace by fully following and trusting the Good Shepherd who knows our needs best and cares for us best. 

“The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.” (Psalm 23)

Meetings with Global Leaders    

With Africa Regional VP Team

With Global Operations Leadership Development Team

The last two months we have met online and in person with the Vice President teams of Global Strategies, Capacity, and Regional serving as missionaries leading Campus Crusade for Christ ministries around the world. We met with them to hear and strategize about their needs, plans, and prayer requests for upcoming global conferences and trainings. Then we prayed together in anticipation of what God would do through the events.  Please pray that these missionaries leading each global ministry and region will be filled with the Holy Spirit and that through them many lost around the world will come to Christ so the Gospel will be spread to the ends of the earth.

Ministry Partner Development and Conference Ministry

We are experiencing God’s provision through His grace, love, and your precious partnership with us. Thank you. There are remaining needs but we believe that God will fill them in His time and way through those He has prepared.  Starting in April, we decided to work together on conference ministry and ministry partner development in accordance with the needs and requests of the Global conference ministry. Please pray that God will give us more wisdom and strength as we meet with ministry partners while serving conference ministry.

Thank you for your faithful partnership. We really appreciate your love. Please let us know how we can be praying for you. God bless you.

Prayer Requests

  1. Financial Needs: Currently, we have a shortfall of $617 monthly. Please pray that we will trust God fully and meet the ministry partners whom He has prepared for us by His Holy Spirit.

  2. Jesus Film Briefing (April): We are going to serve the Briefing for JesusFilm ministry, one of the most powerful evangelistic tools.  Please pray that through this briefing more people catch the vision for partnership and that many more people come to Christ through the Jesus Film Project as a result.
