Made In the Shade

Exodus 13:21 By day the Lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night.

We've been on the road so long it almost feels normal living out of the car, our luggage, and random closets. We've seen a lot of our beautiful nation, but only when traveling in the desert did we truly appreciate the Lord's protection and provision in the form of the cloud. We experienced the desert for the first time and the first two words that come to mind are inspiring and hot. Inspiring because seeing an aspect of God's creation that holds both real danger and true beauty left us thankful, and hot because, well it's hot! Thankfully, the Lord didn't make us drive the whole way in that heat unprotected. He sent us these clouds that followed us (or clouds that we followed depending on your perspective - see the images) most of the way to LA. Lest I glance over the significance of this event let me share...

 A Lesson From the Pillar: God cares for us during our journey. 

Many times we (especially the me in that we) focus more on "arriving" at the destination than the travel time itself, and yet we spend so much time just traveling, commuting, and going to meetings. There are significant ways God shows His love for us on the go if we're paying attention. Rain for example, especially in America's current drought is rare, but in addition to the cloud, God gave us rain in the desert during our trip. And this is in a place that sees less than 2 inches of rain per year. I call that God's love!

God shows us His love so often, and Christina and I see the Masters love through you. Thank you for your prayers and partnership.

 Damien and Christina

 Please Pray for Us:
1. Meeting New Partners - We've been meeting great people in CA becoming ministry partners. Please pray for the Lord to send us another 30 ministry partners to send us back to our assignment quickly. We don't know when we'll be back on the east coast yet.
2. Pray Our Car Makes It! Our 10 year old car has been doing well until very recent engine troubles. Please pray the car continues to serve us well and that we can repair or replace what's necessary.
