When We Pray God Works

Peace be with you. How have you been?  In April we prepared and helped run the Worldwide Day of Prayer (WDOP) hosted from Orlando.  The WDOP is held twice a year bringing 190 country’s missionaries and students together to pray for the ministry and the lost all over the globe.  The nearly 900 Cru International Headquarters, 4,000 USA, 20,000+ international missionaries, and many more students and volunteers who work with us spent the day praying together.  There are many things from that day we can ask you to pray for, but especially, please pray for the missionaries who work in the field all over world, and at the headquarters that they be physically and spiritually strong, and that their personal relationships with the Lord grow stronger so that they can see victory on their battlefields for God.

Recently, we've been preparing for our summer ministry in Colorado while  looking for our new home in Orlando.  We’ve also being experiencing family challenges as Jung Hye's step father in Korea has been in a comma since the beginning of April.  Our family has been praying with heavy hearts as his condition has worsened over the course of the last 4 weeks.  The best thing we can do is pray.  Thankfully, many people from far and wide are praying for us which adds to our peace.

As all this is going on we’ve been experiencing God provision as we search for our home.  A few days ago a missionary couple told us that they are going to move soon and that they want to sell us their home at an amazing price.  All we can say is thanks be to God!

We are encouraged because of your faithful prayers, we are experiencing God's provision through your prayerful support, and we are always thankful for your partnership.  "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.    (Psalm 46:1)

1. Emergency Prayer Requests: Please pray for the salvation of Jung Hye's step father, Gun Oh Park.  Pray for his healing (comma) and Jung Hye's mom’s healing (liver cirrhosis).  Please pray that God takes care of our family spiritually, physically, and financially (Hospital fees, etc.)  We will visit Korea if things get much worse.  Please pray for wisdom in our decision on if and when to visit our family in Korea.
2. Housing: Please pray that this opportunity for our new home becomes reality as we return from our summer assignment, and that God continues to provide our financial & housing needs.
3. Summer Ministry: We will be in Colorado for 2 months, (June & July) helping run our Missional Team Leader training (Jun, 13~Jul, 12), attending biblical studies courses (Jun,13~Jul, 12), and running/attending Cru’s US Staff Conference (Jul, 14~Jul, 21).   Please pray for our safety as we travel, and that this summers ministries serve His purposes.
