Big Break '14

 Shalom! Peace be with you. We are in Panama City Beach, Florida running Big Break, our spring break evangelism training outreach, to share the Gospel with the lost. The outreach started from March 1st and has gone for a month. 3,000 Cru students attended. We’ve trained our students in how to share the Gospel in the mornings, they shared on the beach in the afternoons, then we had worship, evangelism testimony times, and biblical perspective each night.   

Our students had spiritual conversations with 14,036 people, shared the Gospel with 6,085 people, and 489 people prayed to receive Christ!  They also shared how to be filled with the Holy Spirit with 848 people. We were so thankful and impressed when we heard the testimonies each evening.

Some non-believers whom attended the conference following their friends came to Christ as well.  One Chinese student came up on the stage and told us “I decided to accept Jesus” then hugged & cried with his friend who brought him to Big Break. 

We had a contingent of hearing impaired students attend with interpreters as well. Even though they can’t hear nor speak, their passion for service and evangelism was among the fiercest of any student in attendance.

A highlight of the month was when we met with students individually to encourage & challenge them to short term or long-term missions service.  One such student Jung Hye met with had  drug addicted parents, so she was adopted into another family, but her new family split due to divorce.  She then lived with a guy until they broke up.  This led to her trying to kill herself.  All this happened in her life but Jesus came in and changed her story.  Now fast forward, she attended Big Break to help save the lost from eternal death.  A side part of this story is that she didn’t have the money to attend the training so her friends raised the money for her.  While Jung Hye was talking with her, she encouraged & prayed for her that God would encourage other people through her life.  And few days later, this student met a girl in a similar situation, shared her life story (aka testimony) and the Gospel with her, then they cried together & the girl received Jesus. 

Jung Hye got a text message from our student a few days after all this, “Meeting you has changed my life.”  Honestly, Jung Hye was nervous when she prayed & prepared for her meetings with students, so she knows she didn’t do it.  God did everything.  And we know that we are all a part of this because of your prayer and financial support. Thank you!

The LORD said to him, "Who gave man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or mute? Who gives him sight or makes him blind? Is it not I, the LORD? Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say." (Exodus 4:11-12)

Thank you for your prayers!
1. Big Break: Pray that the students who attended live evangelistic lives on their campuses and in their homes after this training ends.
 Pray that the lost who heard the Gospel will grow deep in their relationship with Jesus and connect with churches near them.

2. Mid-Career New Staff Training (May 10 ~ 18): New Staff who are leaving their careers are joining Cru as missionaries will take our new staff training.  We are preparing this training. Pray that God will prepare them as missionaries and provides their needs.

3. Family: Pray that God takes care of our family who live far from us, and that they grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus.
