Shalom! Peace be with you. How have you been? We’ve been adjusting back to life at home well. Thank you for your prayers. Three days after we came back from Korea we went to Panama City Beach (PCB) for our Big Break outreach. Tired from the long trip, we were strengthened thinking of and praying for the 2,500 students from 181 campus who shared the Gospel during their Spring Breaks with those in need of a personal relationship with Jesus. We trained our students in how to share the Gospel, they spent their afternoons sharing, and each evening they gave testimonies during all of March.
Our students had spiritual conversations with 8,120 people, shared the Gospel with 3,858 people, and 504 people prayed to receive Christ! They also shared about how to be filled with the Holy Spirit with 319 people. This year we started a Digital Outreach teaching our students to share the Gospel through their social media circles. They shared with 2,312 non-believing family members and friends through Internet. Hallelujah!
One student attendee (Byron) heard the Gospel last year in PCB during his spring break from a couple of our Big Break 2015 students. This student received Jesus personally, connected with Cru on his campus, went on a summer mission with Cru, then came back to PCB to attend Big Break 2016. He said he wanted to share the Gospel with the partiers at Spring Break like the guys from Big Break 2015 had done for him. Please pray for more transformed lives like Bryon.
We had a contingent of 12 deaf students attend the outreach this year with an equal number of translators. That means when our deaf students shared the Gospel by sign language with their hands, they each had their own interpreter who shared the Gospel with their voice. We are grateful for and impressed by the passion and courage of the interpreters and our deaf students.
A freshman guy who had never really had the opportunity to share his faith shared the Gospel with a female student who had never heard the Gospel. He saw that she responded to the Gospel positively and at the end of his experience he said, “I definitely feel more comfortable going up to strangers and starting spiritual conversations.” Please pray for the 2,500 students who attended Big Break that they would continue to apply all that they learned, leaning on the Lord in their daily lives. Pray for the 3,800 people who heard the Gospel and the 504 people who indicated a decision to accept Christ.
We’re always thankful for your prayerful partnership with us. We love you in Christ.
Prayer Requests
- Leading the Team: Pray for Damien as he handles his responsibilities as a team leader. Pray he leads the team with God’s wisdom and love. Please pray that God gives strength to our team in the midst of busy schedules.
- Ministry Schedule: Please pray that God gives us wisdom and power filling us with the Holy Sprit as we lead these trainings:
- Spring New Missionary Orientation (May 5 ~ 15, Florida): 29 new missionaries will join us.
- XTrack long-term overseas Missionary Training (June 9 ~ July 24, Colorado): 31 Long-term overseas missionaries and their children will join us.
- Family: Please pray that our family trusts God deeply. Pray that God gives us good health and a baby in his time.
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