Shalom! Please peace be with you. How have you been? We are thankful to have finished the training for 25 new missionaries this month. Now after the training, they will go to be part of Campus, FamilyLife, Athletes In Actions, and High School ministries all over. Please pray for these new missionaries. Pray that God provides for their needs and for them to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Pray that in their ministry and family lives they bare excellent fruit for the Lord.
Beyond Big Break
We’ve been praying that the participants of Big Break live out what they learned when they return home. We are always thankful to hear of answers to this prayer. Recently my team received an email from one of the Big Break 16 outreach student participants. Here are sections from that email:
My name is Rachel, I attended Big Break for the first time this spring I wanted to let you know how God has been at work… Before I left the conference I felt God was leading me to share the training with a group of ministry friends who work with teens and children. We meet up every couple months for a Bible study. I texted a few people and they were excited about learning how to start spiritual conversations and share the gospel. A couple weeks later I was able to share what I had learned… A month later four of us went to the mall in the evening and talked to twenty people in two hours using the survey and KGP. During that time we saw many seeds planted and two young girls pray to accept Christ as their Savior. For two of our group this was the first time they had shared their faith and they told me they plan to go back to the mall over the summer to keep it up… Because of Big Break I've been equipped to start spiritual conversations with my friends and coworkers, have the desire and drive to go out and keep having spiritual conversations with strangers, and have been able to share what I've learned with other Christians who have likewise gone out to share their faith. All things I would never have anticipated happening a year ago. God is using CRU and this conference to change the lives of Christians and non Christians all over the US. It's been incredible to see Him glorified over and over. I wanted to thank you for all that each of you do. I know a lot goes into a conference, there are a lot of people who put a lot work in. God is using you to change lives.
We’re grateful for your prayerful partnership in ministry and that as we work together we can see the Gospel shared and the lost come to Christ. Thank you.
Prayer Requests
1. XTrack - Training for long term missionaries (June 9~ July 24, Colorado): 31 Long term oversea missionaries, 31 training team, and 21 Missionary’s kids will attend. We will run the training for two months in Colorado. Please pray that we will be strengthened as we serve.
2. Pray God prepares family for overseas missions well.
New Year of Team Ministry: Please pray for wisdom and dependence on the Holy Spirit as Damien prepares the schedule for our team’s next year of ministry.
3. Family: Please pray that our family trusts God deeply, and that God gives us a baby in his time.
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