“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved--you and your household." Acts 16: 31
Peace be with you. How have you been? We recently returned from helping lead Cru’s Global Church Movement training in Greece. We are truly thankful for your prayers. Near 270 church planting missionaries and leaders from 85 countries attended this training. The focus was to encourage each other and learn together about how we are to boldly: go, mobilize, multiply, and partner to see the GCM vision of one church planted for every 1,000 people on earth. That’s 5 million churches. We’ve helped plant 126,000 churches in the last year and with our partners we’ve helped plant over 1.6 million churches and groups in the last 4 years. God is moving.
We’ve already heard reports about attendees teaching their disciples what was taught at the training. Please pray with us that the work going on at the many fast new multiplying churches leads more people to become disciples and disciple makers for Christ. Preparing for this training we all studied and meditated on 1 &2 Thessalonians and the book of Acts. In Phillipi, Greece we visited the location where Lydia, a dealer in purple cloth from the scriptures, was baptized by apostle Paul. We also saw where Paul and Silas are believed to have been jailed. Paul and Silas told their jailer “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved--you and your household.” Standing where they boldly shared the gospel in the midst of persecution, we were challenged to live boldly by faith as they did.
We are thankful for your bold partnership with us by faith. We pray that you see victory through your suffering and difficult circumstances. Thank you,
Prayer Requests:
1. Global Fund Development Conference: We are leaving soon for our Global Fund Development Summit to train missionaries around the world to raise funds for their ministry. Please pray that the Lord sends all those who should attendee safely. Pray the Lord encourages, inspires, and opens doors for the complete funding of the various country’s ministries.
2. Family: Please pray that we walk with God moment by moment becoming more and more a family filled with the Holy Spirit. Pray the Lord gives us spiritual and physical strength to serve Him and pray that God gives us a baby in His time.
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