Peace be with you. How have you been? We pray that you are walking deeply with God and experiencing His love and grace more than ever in this uncertain period.
We asked you to be prayerful for the Global Alliance for Church Multiplication (GACX) Global Forum and we know God heard your prayers. From the fruits of the last 7 months we have seen God successfully complete the Forum. There have been many changes and challenges since the start of COVID-19 for all of us, but God continues to provide the people, resources, and help we need from moment to moment. Without His hand at work we would not have seen the nearly 4,000 church planting missionaries, pastors, and leaders from 130 countries and 90 organizations from around the world come together for this Forum. Jung Hye served as the coordinator for the entire Forum and I served as the Program Coordinator. Serving with us were more than 150 people either on the design team with us or laboring as national/local facilitators, plenary or workshop speakers, intercessory prayer members, interpreters, videographers, tech support, live production, and in many other ways as volunteers. We thank God for everyone who served, including those 500 who for 30 days prior to the Forum covered the event in prayer and fasting.
GACX is focused on helping see one healthy church planted for every 1,000 people everywhere. Different organizations and churches from around the world united virtually to share strategically on how to take the Gospel to the places where people have not yet heard. To inspire, inform, and ignite people around accomplishing this mission, during the Forum we shared about how God is working in urban contexts to break down barriers and build his kingdom. We had panelists share about digital strategies and their effectiveness not just during lock down but holistically. We were blessed to hear from experts in the research and data field on how to think about identifying the locations to plant churches. We heard from children and youth about how God is using children and youth to plant churches. The Forum was an opportunity for collaboration focused on the building of spiritual movements around the world and it was amazing.
Since the Forum, we’ve heard feedback from a small group of leaders from different ministries in one country. They’ve had tremendous synergy around praying for and identifying locations needing churches planted in their nation. Praise the Lord! This is the goal. Even after the event ends many around the world continue to collaborate towards planting healthy churches where they are needed most. Please pray with us for the planting of these healthy multiplying spiritual movements everywhere through the work of our brothers and sisters around the world.
We are thankful and blessed to be able to serve the Lord in this way. Thank you for your prayer, love, and financial partnership. God bless you!
Prayer Requests:
1. CCCI Presidential Commissioning (October 1, Orlando & Online): We held the commissioning service for the new Campus Crusade for Christ International President, Steve Sellers. Please pray that God fills our new President with his Holy Spirit moment by moment and that Steve leads CCCI according to God’s plan.
2. Bold Moves (October 13th, Online): The next part of the Bold Moves series will be held October 13th. Pray for the program and preparations. Pray it will be a time of God sized vision, challenge, and encouragement to the church planters.
3. Family: Please pray that we walk with God moment by moment becoming more and more a family filled with the Holy Spirit. Pray the Lord gives us spiritual and physical strength to serve Him and pray that God gives us a baby in His time.
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