Global Faith & Law Convocation
The Global Faith & Law Convocation was held in Cambridge, UK. The University of Cambridge was a meaningful place for this Jesus focused group of global legal professionals as it produced the famous “Cambridge Seven” (college-aged missionaries) in 1885 who surrendered their lives for the mission field in China. About 230 Christian law students, lawyers, judges, etc from 40 countries attended seeing their hearts focused and vision centered through prayer, devotionals, and biblical perspective via lectures by Christian legal professions in various fields like religious freedom, immigration, social responsibility, etc. We pray for what God will do through these and the many other Christian lawyers who have a powerful influence on the cultures of their countries.
“…I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20 b)
Global Alliance for Church Multiplication (GACX) Forum
To fulfill the Lord’s Great Commission more than 100 churches and mission organizations have come together to share the Gospel around the world and build healthy spiritually multiplying churches. Over 350 ministers, pastors and leaders from over 40 countries attended the Forum in the United States and over 1,000 attendees online. The participants had time to seriously contemplate and network how to work together to establish and grow one healthy church for every 1,000 people around the world and help to fulfill the Great Commission. Especially, it was a time to share and pray for Gospel strategies for the next generation. We are expectant for the great commission to be fulfilled and pray that we will all work together to see it so. Amen!
Thank you for your love, prayer and financial partnership with us. Let us know how we can be praying for you.
Prayer Requests
1. JesusFilm Briefing (Oct 31 ~ Nov 7, Arizona): This month we are going to serve the Briefing for JesusFilm ministry, one of the most powerful evangelistic tools. Please pray that through this briefing more people catch the vision for partnership and that many more people come to Christ through the Jesus Film Project as a result.2. Global VP Strategy & Capacity Meetings (Nov 11 ~ 20, Thailand): Please pray for us and our global leaders in these meetings that the Lord guides the time together, keeps us safe, and gives us wisdom in direction for the global ministry.
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